Simple Incentive Compensation That Works! (Live Online Class) 2021
$229 Member | $329 Non-Member
PDH Credits:1.5
Thursday, September 29, 2021 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM Eastern
Not available for the live online class? Pre-order the on-demand recording!
How do we connect the daily decisions of our employees to the short and long-term health of the business? One key is implementing an incentive compensation program that works.
Incentive compensation programs vary greatly, but there are some simple principles that the best plans each share. Understanding these principles and implementing them into your plan may be just what you need.
Join Ty Kicklighter to take a closer look at the guiding principles of incentive compensation, review a simple plan design, and learn the tools you need to put this to work within your firm.
- Define the purpose of a healthy incentive compensation program
- Discuss the three principles of a healthy incentive compensation program that are often missing
- Detail a simple, customizable, easy to install, incentive compensation program