Wednesday, January 20, 2021, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (Eastern)
Not available for the live online class? Pre-order the on-demand recording!
Many small to medium-sized firms across the Industry have creatively addressed the pandemic challenges. But with a return to “near normal” on the horizon, this provocative session will challenge you how to evaluate five of a firm’s major functions before dropping some of the crisis warfare procedures you have implemented.
Join Kevin McMahon and Bill Siegel to discusses
alternative strategies regarding sales, project execution, overhead investment,
workforce deployment/ culture, and strategic growth initiatives. Re-think your business
going forward, and move to the top quartile of profitability.
- Re-think the 5 major functions of your firm
- Evaluate your firm's effectiveness and develop strategies for improvement
- Learn how small improvements can make a major difference in your bottom line
About the Presenters:
Mr. McMahon is the former CEO of Edwards and Kelcey and senior executive with Jacobs.
Mr. Siegel is the former CEO of Kleinfelder. Both have been active in ACEC, both have been Chair of DPC, and both are known for their creativity. They bring the perspective of CEOs who have had ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of their business, and bring their unique perspectives and lessons learned for the benefit of the audience.