Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (Eastern)
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The pandemic has utterly transformed today’s business environment, and most professional services firms are struggling to understand its short- and long-term implications.
In a world where colleagues and clients alike may still be working from their homes, what changes do you need to make to your business?
Join Karl Feldman to explore how your professional services firm can adjust its business models to address the realities of a highly distributed, virtual business environment. You'll find out what this seismic shift means for your firm—and some specific strategies you can use to adapt your services, delivery, and pricing model to today’s topsy-turvy marketplace.
- How to deliver professional services in a remote world
- How to repackage your services to appeal to new audiences
- How to price your services for a virtual clientele
- Ideas for new digital services
- Real-life examples of how firms are already adapting
Presenter: Karl Feldman, Partner, Hinge Marketing