Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions (Live Online Class)
$179 Member | $279 Non-Member
PDH Credits:1.0
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (Eastern)
Not available for the live online class? Pre-order the on-demand recording!
Join Matt Fultz to gain insight into firm valuations and deal structuring, discuss underlying business factors that impact value, and review the impact on industry consolidation trends and how to best position your design firm to successfully close deals.
- Understand the underlying business factors that impact value and how to manage and evaluate these when pursuing M&A deals
- Learn how to better close your M&A deals, by learning about firm valuations and deal structuring
- Gain knowledge of the impact of industry consolidation trends and how design firms can best position themselves
Presenter: Matt Fultz, ASA, Director, Matheson Financial Advisors, Inc.