Stone Arch Bridge Rehabilitation Reality Modeling
$179 Member | $279 Non-Member
PDH Credits:1.0
Available on 8/31
The historic Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis is a 2100 foot long masonry arch bridge crossing the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. Built by James J. Hill in 1883 it served as a railroad bridge until 1978 and was adapted to pedestrian use in the early 1990's. Our team is currently working with MnDOT on a bridge rehabilitation project to ensure the bridge remains a popular destination for many years to come. Commercial drones were used to collect condition data on the bridge and reality models were generated to communicate inspection results and to generate repair plans for the bridge. Artificial intelligence was used to locate defects on the bridge automatically.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn what UAS equipment is suitable for a large scale inspection effort
- Learn about software available to generate reality models and detect defects
- Understand workflows when utilizing UAS and reality modeling on a large scale rehabilitation project