As your firm pursues new business your staff must navigate difficult conversations around fees and pricing every day. Pressures from existing and potential new clients to lower fees often forces your teams to give away profits and avoid asking for change orders to get the work and “be competitive.” Rather than believe you are adding additional value to your clients’ projects, many A&E professionals assume they are not any better than their competitors and compete on fees. Even if you do believe you are better, many of your staff do not have the skills to articulate why you are better and fail to have the right conversations with clients.
With the right approach, understanding and language tools. It is possible to transform your client relationships and business practices away from accepting unprofitable work towards a value-based business partnership. This presentation will focus on how to understand and communicate your value so that you can have better and fairer clients and higher profits.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to uncover your firm’s true value proposition
- Understand why your clients buy your services
- Discover the 80/20 rule to increase your fees and get better clients
- Develop language tools to have better value conversations with current and future clients