Available on 3/19
Engineers have a new design parameter: reduction of atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Much like adaptation to changing conditions that many engineers have taken into account in their practices, development of mitigation strategies - aimed at reducing the severity of future effects - is an important role, as well as a growing business opportunity, for the engineering community.
Join James D'Aloisio to explore the rationale for mitigation efforts from a scientific, political, and regulatory perspective and consider the role of the engineering community in addressing this challenge. You'll also quantify the magnitude of emissions from engineering-related human activities including manufacturing, transportation, construction, and energy usage, and review various types of mitigation strategies.
- Become aware of the growing demand to reduce carbon emissions from human activities
- Realize the role of engineers in designing to reduce carbon dioxide and other gas emissions
- Learn the magnitude of GWP gas emissions from various sources of human activity
Presenter: James A. D'Aloisio, P.E., SECB, LEED AP, Managing Partner, Klepper, Hahn