March 19, 2025, 1:30-2:30 PM Eastern
Using data from EFCG’s annual talent and compensation surveys and insights from our client relationships, this session will bring a structured approach to thinking about what makes up the employee experience and what strategies firms are implementing to impact a key element that sits at the foundation of that experience: total rewards. Julie Hasiba, EFCG Managing Partner and Talent & Compensation Practice Lead, will reflect on the impact those strategies will have on the employee experience and the firm’s ability to successfully connect with and recruit and retain talent. Julie will then welcome panelists on stage to share their own journeys in developing a total rewards strategy that resonates with their culture and people and how these approaches have impacted recruitment, retention, and value creation.
Learning Objectives:
- Highlight the Impact of AI and Emerging Technologies on the Engineering Sector
- Define Upskilling and Reskilling Pathways
- Showcase Best Practices and Case Studies
Presenter: Julie Hasiba, Environmental Financial Group Consulting